Facebook Advertising Resources

Bankable FEC
October 25, 2017

Why is Facebook Advertising Necessary?

Let’s say that you run a page on Facebook with 5,000 likes. When you post something on Facebook, that post gets sent to all 5,000 people who like the page, right? Unfortunately, wrong. In the recent years, Facebook has begun to reduce organic reach of posts. Standard posts are typically only are seen by 5-20% of the people who “like” the page in question, and hardly anybody who does not “like” the page in question. Therefore, a knowledge of Facebook advertising is needed in order to use Facebook as a significant online presence tool. However, you don’t need to have a huge advertising budget to see success: with the information given here, you can get positive results with a minimal budget. This document includes a list of relevant terms to Facebook advertising, as well as some links to very detailed guides on Facebook advertising.

List of Facebook Advertising Terminology (from www.jonloomer.com):

Comprehensive Guides to Facebook Advertising: